I often think when I visit shops like Diva or Supre “where does all the unsold items go”
and “what about once people are done with their dress or top that is soo in
right now, where does that go?” In some cases these clothes are donated to
charity or given to friends, which is great. Maybe they might even be used as
cleaning rags (cudos to you if this is the case) but in most cases they will
end up in landfill at the end of their fashionable (or not) life.
From 1997 to 2007 the average waste produced per person
almost doubled to 2,100kgs per year.
Of course economic growth has contributed towards this. Australians are
amongst the highest users of new technology, and waste from obsolete electronic
goods is one of the highest growing types of waste.
Landfills impact on our air, water and land quality.
Landfill gasses are released into the air and contribute to global
The days are gone of that sweater that you have had since
you left school that has gotten you through so many winters. Now days as the
seasons change so does the fashion. The old faithful may still be in closets out
there but the 12 other jumpers that you have bought since is what is creating
the mass amounts of landfill in Australia.
The tragedy is that this textile waste is 90% recyclable.
Most electronics can still be used but are considered out if date and most
other items could be given to the less fortunate when they really are at the
end of their legs.
Next time you are buying that cute top or new upgraded
phone, think Do I already have something the same? what are you actually buying
it for? Is it worth it?
For me I KNOW not buying things is hard but this is what I
have to keep reminding myself.
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